Artful Moving: Tips for Artists on Relocating Safely

Guest Post by Amy Collett from

The journey of relocating can be a challenging ordeal for anyone, but artists, with their unique treasures, face a distinct set of challenges. Transporting precious artwork, fragile sculptures, and many art supplies requires meticulous planning and utmost care. The stakes are high, and the potential for damage can be heart-wrenching. Recognizing these nuances, it becomes essential for artists to equip themselves with the right strategies and insights for a successful move. In this article, we’ll delve into key tips every artist should remember to ensure a safe and seamless relocation experience.

Learn How to Pack Your Artwork

The art of packing is one that every artist must master when relocating. Whether it’s a delicate sketch or a hefty sculpture, the packing technique matters. Utilizing padding materials like foam, bubble wrap, or even soft fabrics can cushion artwork and prevent damage. Securing items in place with crumpled newspapers ensures they don’t shift during transport. Furthermore, if you have framed Artwork, these need to be handled with extreme care so as not to break the glass. Proper packaging is crucial, and using art-specific packaging can make a world of difference. For added protection, use hardboard panels or plywood for paintings, ensuring they remain undamaged. Sculptures should be secured in custom-fitted foam to absorb shocks during the move. The objective is simple: ensure each piece successfully reaches its new home.

Handling Art Supplies with Care

Beyond artworks, artists possess a range of supplies that need careful handling. From tubes of paint, brushes, and easels to kiln ovens, each item presents its challenges. It’s vital to ensure paints are sealed tightly, preventing any spillage. Delicate tools like brushes can be placed in protective cases. For bulkier items, disassembly and secure packaging are paramount. Transporting these safely ensures that you can set up and start creating without any hitches in your new space.

Stock Up on Packing Boxes

Finding the right box is more than half the battle won. Large, durable boxes are ideal for transporting artwork and supplies. They should be sturdy enough to bear the weight and big enough to fit items without cramming. Reinforce the bottom of the boxes with extra tape for added safety. Once packed, always remember to label them with “Fragile” and “This Side Up” stickers, guiding movers on how to handle them properly.

Hire Qualified Movers

Not all movers are created equal, especially when the cargo involves invaluable art. Seek out professional movers who specialize in handling artwork or expensive items. Their experience and expertise in transporting fragile and precious items will prove invaluable. They often come equipped with climate-controlled vehicles, custom crating solutions, and an understanding of the art’s intrinsic and emotional value, ensuring its safe delivery.

Team Up with Those Movers

Once you’ve hired professional art movers, collaboration becomes key. Walk them through the specifics of each artwork, highlighting items that need attention. A shared understanding and open communication can prevent potential mishaps. After all, conveying the sentimental and monetary value of your creations ensures they are treated with the care they deserve.

Prep Your Home for Sale

For artists selling their homes, showcasing a well-maintained studio can enhance property value. Repair any damages, repaint walls if necessary, and ensure the space is decluttered. A tidy, functional studio space is not just appealing to potential buyers, but it’s also a testament to your professionalism as an artist. What’s more, that studio could bring in more buyers who are interested in having this type of space in their home. This, in turn, boosts the value of your property, so make sure to note all of the alterations you’ve made to the property.

Professional Art Documentation

Before the big move, consider documenting your art professionally. This serves a dual purpose: insurance and marketing. High-resolution photographs of your artwork can be invaluable for insurance claims, should any damage occur. Additionally, these images can be used for portfolios, exhibitions, or sales in the future.

Relocating as an artist presents unique challenges. Yet, with careful planning and the right resources, artists can safeguard their artworks and supplies. Following the insights in this guide ensures a confident and respectful moving process for their valued pieces.

SunFreeStar is here to share joyful mandala art. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Amy Collett is a Personal Branding Strategist and author of You, Exemplified: The Role of Personal Branding in Your Professional Life. Amy can be reached at

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