Various Themes

Moon Gazing

“The Moon, like a flower in heaven’s high bower, With Silent delight Sits and Smiles on the night”. William Blake A Tribute to the beautiful Super Full Moon. Our guiding light in the darkness of the night. And a couple gazing at its Beauty, surrounded by the magic and brilliance of the night. The idea… Continue reading Moon Gazing

Floral Rainbow Mandala

Spring and Summer are coming and so the beautiful flowers surrounding us with the lovely variety of colors. This is a painting to celebrate Nature, preparing us for the coming seasons. It is my first painting with Acrylics since High School. It was supposed to be a trial to test the colors, but it turned… Continue reading Floral Rainbow Mandala

Rainbow Phrases

At the time these ideas came through there was a lot going on the news, between bombs, man-made fires, animal torture, it seemed that the whole world was going crazy. I deeply felt the need to send out a message to focus on the beautiful things in life, like our loving Mother Nature, to use Art… Continue reading Rainbow Phrases

The Wolf & The Moon

The only one of my old paintings I was able to retrieve. It was such a surprise when I arrived in Portugal and met the friend I painted it for, and she still had it in her home. I almost had forgotten about it. It gave me a great push and motivation to start painting… Continue reading The Wolf & The Moon

Tribal Tiger

I embarked upon this new T-Shirt project because I wanted to test my skills after so many years without painting animals. It was something I loved doing especially Lions. I never tried a Tiger before and never in Tribal format. It was very scary at the beginning and it did take a lot of effort… Continue reading Tribal Tiger